This week, I decided to read PDE Ramayana: Sita as my part A reading. I rather enjoyed the reading. Here are my notes:
-Rama and his brother Lakshmana walk the streets of the city and admire the people. Girls admire the brothers through their windows and note that one of them may be fit to marry Sita, the king's daughter.
-The boys walked the streets until they arrived at the meadow of sports. The brothers look at the field and then hurry to their lodging to sleep
-The boys woke the next morning and bathed in a stream. They then entered the garden of the king and saw lots of beautiful vegetation. The gardeners allowed the princes to cut some flowers.
-Princess Sita is sitting in the garden with her maids, watching the boys.
-Rama heard the bangles on Sita's feet and instantly knew that he loved her.
-Sita went to the temple of the Goddess Bhavani. She knelt before her image and prayed the wishes of her heart. Flowers dropped from the image and Sita knew that her prayer was heard.
-Sita returned to the guru and told him of the meeting in the king's garden
-Rama expresses that Sita is very beautiful
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