This photo titled "waiting..." comes from Belinda Churchpix on Flickr
I chose this picture because it represents both the loneliness that Rama feels in this story, as well as the love he has for Sita.
These are my reading notes for part C of the Ramayana, the story I chose to focus on for this blog/ for story writing is The Rainy Season.
Overview: Sugriva is now king and had agreed to help Rama find Sita, however, they have to wait for the rainy season to end. Because of the rules of his exile, Rama cannot enter the city, so he waits in the wilderness. This story outlines his feelings about just sitting around and waiting.
Reading Notes:
- 14 years he cannot enter the city
- Sugriva will go for him
-Rama's Lament:
He is full of sorrow because he has waited so long to see Sita
He is very full of love for her
He longs to see, hold, and kiss her
He is afraid that if he waits too long he will forget her
Writing ideas:
- I think it would be cool to rewrite Rama's lament as a more modern poem or song- it would also be cool to talk about Sita's feelings during this time as well.
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