Week 10 micro fiction

She pressed her nose up to the glass, saying goodbye one last time. Tears filled her eyes as she walked down the dimly lit hallway towards the exit. She turned to go back but ultimately decided that it would be too hard to have to say goodbye again so she headed for the car. As she backed out of the parking lot, she saw flashes of the life they shared together and all the joy that he had brought her. She knew that she would move on eventually, but for now all she wanted to do was rest her nose upon his and tell him how much she loved him one last time.

                                           This image comes from Jaala on Flickr

Authors note: 

I originally wrote this story to depict a woman leaving her son behind in prison, but as I wrote that, I got memories of having to put down my sweet dog a few years ago. I know this is not the finished product, I would like to add more details, however I like the idea of keeping it vague/ open for interpretation. Which is why I never specified in the story what it was about until I added the image at the end. If you have any ideas of how I could improve this story please let me know :) 


  1. Linsey,
    I really love this microfiction. It is so simple, yet so descriptive that I immediately knew that it was a writing from emotion. Seeing the dog picture below the writing gave me the clue that it was going this way. It reminded me of the moments when I had to put down one of my dogs 3 years ago. It was a difficult thing to do, but knowing all the love between a dog and their owner was what helped me through the hard time. Great job!

  2. Linsey,

    First off, I would say that one the main things that intrigued my curiosity about your story was the inclusion of the doggie. I'm torn that such an aspect would be my weakness, but it is and I need to accept it. Anyways, I very much enjoyed this micro-fiction from you! There's just something about such little words that has the capability to express such a descriptive message! I need to start my own, now that you've reminded me. I look forward to reading more from you!


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